Isn't it great? We have to paint ... when it gets above 50 degrees ... and we have to caulk the seams, windows and doors ... when it gets warm enough for the caulk to dry. Then, it'll be spring and we can finish the floor. Maybe some year, we'll do a ceiling. Who knows! For now, we're happy ... and everyone who sees it mentions how big the room looks now. Wait until that table gets cleared off --- it'll look HUGE! HA! ;-)
And for those of you who want to know how deep the snow is .... while I was trying to get a neighborhood cat out of the basement, I had the opportunity to go outside and see just how much snow there was out there. These boots hit me let about one inch under my knee. You can see by where the snow is how deep I sunk into the snow. ;-D
Now ... let me tell you, I did indeed find a cat in our basement. He was in the Indiana Jones room of our basement, which is the room that is blocked off by a closed door ... it is all dirt ... where they cut the mountain out to build the house way back in 1924. Where Paul put insulation in that first spring ... where he spent weeks cleaning out the junk they'd put under there including water heaters, toilets, and aquariums! There is no other entrance really ... a shut window, a locked draft vent and the door from the basement. ??? Poor little thing. I have an idea he'd been down there for a good while! Like a couple of weeks. OR ... he has a secret passage that we don't know about ... anyway, he was ever so glad to see a person ... and when he was led to the great outdoors with food, he was DELIGHTED to enjoy food. Then he turned around to go back in, but I'd already closed the door! I'm sure it was warmer and no snow inside ... haven't seen him since. I do hope he is a he ... not a her ... and no litter of kitties in the Indiana Jones room. Guess I better send the scout down to check it out, huh? Always an adventure!
Congratulations, New Orleans Saints! Well done.
Happy week to all!
Paul & Cheri
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