Ok, this is a story so follow along .... on the far right above are Caroline (in the green sweater) and Barry (in the darker green). Barry was the realtor who found our perfect Green Acres humble abode for us. Caroline is his wife. Together they are now a Carolina Mountain Home Real Estate Company. And they are our friends, as you can see by the picture above.
Well, Caroline called on Friday and said some of their other client/friends were getting new appliances in their mountain home and would we be interested in a new cook stove! Hallelujah! And HECK YES! Caroline, the perfect Southern Belle says, "it's white, would that be ok?" It could be purple polka dots with green stripes and it'd be GREAT!! Well as you can see, it is the most gorgeous cook stove I've ever seen and it's in our kitchen!
So ... while we're getting ready to go pick up the stove Barry calls and says, hey, Alvin says you can have the refrigerator too if you want it. IF WE WANT IT!?!? Barry has a VERY STRONG Brooklyn, New York accent. It's great .... anyway I told him Paul & I would be there and they could talk about it when they got to the house ..... so here is the outcome of that discussion!
It's a lot bigger than what we had and completely fills up the corner and then some.
The grandsons will have a great time with the dispensers. So will Paul ;-)
What really boggles our minds and makes me tear up every time I think about it is the complete generosity of these people. Caroline & Barry for thinking of us, knowing that we've nickel ed and dimed our way through what we've managed to do, restoring this Grande Dame we live in and remembering us with total joy. And Barry just volunteered his back and truck to help us get it all accomplished, while Caroline and I caught up with the gossip and girlie stuff. And Alvin & Karen for being SO generous to GIVE AWAY these appliances to perfect strangers just because they've had an opportunity to upgrade and want to give back. My heart freaks out every time I try to wrap my mind around this! What a wonderful world! What wonderful people and wonderful things happen in life!!! And how do you ever get someone to realize just HOW GRATEFUL you are for such a random act of kindness!!!!
Part Two
SO now that there are lots of sore backs and cleaned out refrigerators and stoves in this place, we are all reveling in our newly gifted appliances, and Beth and I seem to be equally ecstatic about the new toys and the hopes for plenty of meals to come!
OH, and Beth & Mark had us up to Beth's for dinner Saturday night after moving all of that stuff and it was delightful!!!! Thanks, you guys! It was good to see Mark, as he was visiting from out of town. Not a local, unfortunately. Hopefully, he'll be back again soon.
Part Three
Then it was Sunday, and I found Mother Nature's beauty right outside the door.
THANK YOU to the Universe, to our friends and to our family.
Happy Spring to all,
Paul & Cheri
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