Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30th

I've been trying to think about all the birthdays I've had up to this point! My parents (momma mostly) always made sure we knew we were special on our birthdays.  Our dad spoiled us monetarily, and our mom spoiled us with breakfast in bed, pancakes for dinner, birthday cake and ice cream, stuff like that.  There were parties some years, and because my birthday is at Christmas time, there was always an air of celebration bigger than a birthday deserved!  I guess that feeling has always been with me because on the morning of  December 30th I always wake up refreshed, happy, adventurous and a little spunkier than normal!  I have always been blessed.  I have always been able to see the glass half full.  I must've been born under a lucky star because I know my parents grew the seed of positivity and love inside me when I was a child so that I might have this special life to celebrate each day and give thanks for it every December 30th. 
When I woke up this morning I was reminded of another BIG reason to celebrate love in my life - Paul.  I am humbled and grateful, amazed and overwhelmed. When I picked up my phone, my email/facebook messages had been working overtime receiving the sweetest lovely birthday greetings from my friends and family.  My heart is filled with warmth and joy and my eyes are filled with tears.  And mostly I am speechless ~ believe it or not!
I just wanted to say thank you.  And to remind you all to celebrate! Life is good!  I am so blessed and I do so hope you are too!
Many thanks,

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