Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let me Tell You a Story!!!!

Here are works in progress and newly finished work. AND what we see out of our kitchen window when the rhine frost is on the mountain. Isn't it absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Anyway ... here's a story for your weekend:
OK, so I'm at the studio teaching my ballet kids that are 8 year olds. They are all dressed in leotards and tights with their hair in a bun and their little pink ballet slippers all in place. One of the little girls says to me: "Guess what, Ms. Cheri"??? I'm thinking maybe she got a new puppy, or a new fuzzy pink sweater as I say "Well, what?" And she says to me with a huge country drawl and tawng : "I KILLED A HAAAWG! (hog)" OMG! Now, I wanted to be supportive of her happiness and excitement and of all things, pride, over killing this poor defenseless pig ... so I swallowed really big and said, "well, how'd you do that?" and she said ... "with a niiiiife (knife)". Oh holy mother of .... as I'm saying to her "ballerinas don't kill hawgs" ... she says "well, I did!" Now, you know, it's different around here. She's an 8 year old country girl, and she killed dinner for the family for 238 pounds worth of dressed out meat. Wow ... as they keep saying to Paul, "you ain't from 'round here, are ya?" No, we definitely feel the difference sometimes.
Gratefully, Paul started his new job and we won't have to knife a hog to get our next few meals. We also won't have to ask my 8 year old ballet student to do it ... thankfully! He officially begins the welding part today ... safety information all day yesterday for orientation. I can't wait to hear about his first real day on his new shift ... and his drive home, as we're expecting an ice storm. By the time he gets to drive home, it outta be good and challenging. But he says he's up for it, so ... so be it! I'm sure he'll have stories to tell about his job ... he said there were lots of people coming in to the training room yesterday to hear him talk. He works in Tennessee, so those folks probably aren't exposed to too many Northern English accents. And I must admit, it is fun to listen to him talk - except for those 12 minute answers he gives sometimes (hehe!).
The woman who runs the mail room here at the country club was out for several days with a terrible case of bronchitis and pink eye. While she was out, her brother's house burned to the ground. With him lived his family (2 kids and a pregnant wife), as well as their other brother and his wife. They lost everything but the clothes on their back. As they were scurrying out of their trailer when it went up in flames, a propane tank blew up and pretty much destroyed their world. Even melted their car keys! If you or any one you know is in a position to donate a gift card for Walmart, or clothes for the children, please get in touch and I'll be glad to help that get to Claire for her family. Fortunately, the brother's parents were able to take them all in to stay until other arrangements can be made. But as it so often is around here, there is no insurance to rely on ... just family, friends and church. One more reminder of how grace works! We are so glad they got out safe and sound ... the most important part!
On a much lighter note, Paul's grandma is out of the hospital and in her new home. According to the latest update, Grandma is happy with her new place and feeling much better, thankfully! Happy Birthday to Joe (the once Mr. Britain!) and to Joanie, who was my director in Atlanta for years, and still owns and operates the Sawnee Ballet School and Dance Company. Happy days to you both!
Until later .... Paul & Cheri

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