Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Perspective

"Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out." Katherine Dunham
I figure if I play my cards right, I can sit at the table, or sit in the screen porch at the table and just stare at the blue ridge mountains. You are looking at the house from the front right hand side ... and there is an incredible view there! When I went up to visit recently, I spent an hour or so sitting at the table getting the hang of it. It was splendid! I wish you could FEEL it! I've been using this picture for the inspiration to continue the arduous task of packing all of the stuff in this little house! We must've used great inginuity to get everything in this little space ... I cannot believe what is coming out of these closets and cupboards (of course, Paul is a pack rat so I think he's been "collecting" all along!) After watching some of the Katrina anniversary stories, I've been saying grace that we have things to pack and a house to take everything out of and "new" house to put everything in to. Our plans are still to try to move between September's end and October's middle. My task is to learn how the heck to post more than one picture per blog so I can show the funnier parts of the house to you ... like the room where the floor was painted AROUND THE OVAL RUG! Someone must've had a lovely surprise when the rug was moved out! There will be plenty to do when we get there! I will stay focused on learning how to post photos ... Happy Labor Day weekend to all! Safe journeys and good thoughts to all, Paul and Cheri

1 comment:

  1. We are thinking seriously of Asheville. We are going up in the beginning of Oct. to check it out.
    How far is that from where you'll be?

    I love the house...
