Monday, November 15, 2010

Gosh! It's November 15th already!

Spartacus (l) and Artemis (r) have taken to literally hiding in the bathroom, behind the bathtub in a cubby hole.  They can BARELY fit into this space.  But apparently it is better than having to face the new resident of the Glover household.  There is a lot of hissing and posturing going on right now.  I sure hope they all get over their "stuff" sooner than later!

 This, of course, is the reason for their bizarre behavior.  Remember Sheep?  Well, as he has chosen us, we've adopted him officially now.  He's been neutered, had his shots and had a name change.  He is now Sulu, after the incredible Mr. Sulu of Star Trek.  Sulu likes to come inside for his overnight sleep.  But he's still out exploring the depths of the universe during the day --- at least until the snow hits.  Then we'll see what he decides about that!  The older boys would love it if he just disappeared all together.  I'm praying for harmony here.  Please send good thoughts!

 Station wagon Paul has taken some FABULOUS shots of the tree season this year.  Here are a few.

Last I heard, we're expecting wet weather this week ... beginning as rain and ending as snow.  I'm glad he was able to get such beautiful shots before this sets in!
In other news:
It's birthday quarter, and we'd like to just send out some happy birthday wishes to you late Scorpios and early Sagittarius folks.  I've been terribly neglectful of these details of late, and I'm truly sorry.  Seems our schedules have required more of us than I've had to give.  I'm trying to get it all in order ...
So, Happy Birthday to:
Ruthie - who has moved to Virginia!, Oct. 24
Cyndie (my little sister) in Tennessee, Oct. 29
Pennisu, one of "the Pilgrims" in Orlando, Nov. 5
Valerie Marozzi - busiest mom in Orlando, Nov. 8
Dwayne neighbor in Orlando, Nov. 11
Beryl (Paul's mum) in Orlando, Nov. 20
Sabrina - friend of more years that most of you have been alive, in Atlanta, Nov. 22

I cannot BELIEVE it is mid November already.  I know a lot of people who are saying that!
We will be having our usual "Adult Orphan" Thanksgiving here this year.  If you are alone and have no one to make you Thanksgiving dinner, put your name on the list.  The more the merrier!  You are only required to show up - no cooking required.  However, you must wear proper clothing (shirt, shoes, etc.)

December 18, 2010
We (Beth, Paul  & I) will be having, what we hope to be, a very large celebration here at our house.
Winter Solstice/Holiday party!
Bring a dish to share and a friend or two.
Bring something to drink if you like a unique beverage, but we'll have a wine and beer selection ready for you when you arrive.
We'll begin about 7.
No ending time or date designated.
We are thinking it will be more of a Mexican/Mayan Fiesta with pork tamales, chicken and/or cheese enchiladas, a taco bar, some layered dips and etc.  Just thought that would be a nice contrast to the normal cheese balls and turkey wraps!
We hope to have a bonfire (weather permitting) for some Solstice rituals (no human sacrifices tho!) and maybe those of you gifted with musical skills can bring your instruments and talents to share. 
We'll have the house heated nice and warm!
PLEASE come by if you can, and stay a while!  We really want to visit with all of our friends for a holiday celebration of friendship, gratitude, and happiness!  If you'd like, wear your bells - after all, it's the holidays!
Happy November (already!)
Paul & Cheri

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