Monday, September 20, 2010

And so I ask you ...

On top of the Hump Mountain last Wed.
I've been working on a wordy post in my head for a few days.  This is the day to write it seems.  Not even about the post I've been composing, but this will do anyway.  The day is beautiful ... BLUE BLUE sky, mild temperature, slight breeze in a happy universe.  But Spartacus and I are anxious and antsy.  I wonder if this is a question, a lesson, or an annoyance of random proportion ... but this is the story of my morning in my own words!
I was happily emailing away when I realized that Spartacus was growling his head off.  He only does that when he wants to me handle the situation.  I went to the window to see what he was annoyed about and heard a man talking (loudly - obviously cell yell syndrome) but I couldn't see him.  Then I heard a fit of dog barking ... a REAL fit.  So, I went to the front door to look out to see what all the fuss was about.
I saw a pickup truck parked fully in the yard --- not on the street --- it had truly gotten over in the grass pretty close to the Saab, like maybe he was going to pop the hood and check out a problem or something, but  we are quite used to folks parking and looking at the Saab, so I really thought he was just having a look-see.  Although, most people park on the edge of the street, not fully in our yard.  THEN I saw/heard his hound dog run up to him, leash dangling as he bent over to pet the fella and proclaimed "good boy! Did you get that cat?"  WELL ... party OVER!  I had to go put on my bra because it was 9:00 AM and I was still in my jammies with my coffee cup glued to my hand.  But that all changed!
I went flying out the front door, beelined my red headed self straight to the man and stood glaring at him until he excused his loud mouthed self from the phone call and said in his red neck drawl "good morning" like a good ole' southern gentleman.  But I already knew he was in disguise because I caught the moron red handed.  So, I asked him if he was stuck or having some sort of trouble with his truck.  He said no, he'd stopped to answer a phone call and his dog escaped from the back of the truck when he saw "that cat". (he was talking about our little Siamese adopt-a-kitty who has basically taken up residency here) I explained to him that it was rude to release a hound dog on someone else's property to chase the cat that LIVES at the house.  That it was rude to park in some one's yard without their permission, and furthermore it was rude to talk loud enough to raise the dead, which at 9:00 am that is EXACTLY what he did since I work nights and that he had a phone for amplification, he did not need to scream as well! I explained that I thought it best if he moved on.  He said he was sorry ("sorry about that, ma'am"), he collected his leash dangling hound dog in to his phallic symbol big duely truck with a Sheriff Frye sticker on the rear window, took his loud mouth and his cell phone and left.  Bye-bye.
Best news is, the kitty just wandered back on to the porch and told me the whole story from his point of view, and I was truly glad to listen!  It was a traumatic morning for all of us here.
Now I ask you, because I am seriously struggling with this: was that just a random idiot wandering through Elk Park? I'm fairly certain he was in law enforcement by the conversation he was having on the phone, which was sheer and malicious gossip; OR was there a lesson in there (like don't gossip on a cell phone when you yell because other people will hear yours and other's business); OR was it meant to be the question of the day: What just happened?  Spartacus and I are all in a tither.
OK, turning the page and getting on to bigger and better things. 
Random full moon approaching behavior, I guess!
Happy Monday,
Cheri and Spartacus

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Noooo!!!! Ninja kitty! I'm glad he's okay! Spartacus was just trying to help out his buddy!
