Saturday, May 22, 2010

This week just gone ...

... it was time to begin the ART PART of life now. Time to build an inventory and begin selling! So, I got in to the back room (the sleeping porch) and put up a proper craft table (ok, Paul put it up because I can't lift the thing) and begin gathering crafting stuff.

I painted some stuff for prep work ... don't know what this is going to be yet, but probably a welcome sign or some such thing.

Found some of the tiles I'll need along with "found objects" and bibs and bobs, bits and pieces, odds and ends, and some grout and such. Treasure to a mosaic artist ~ mess to others.

And here are some tools of the trade, tile clippers, adhesive, scissors, pens, you know ... stuff to work with.

starting making some little signs with "significant" words ... these are not complete, but the basics are here ... the get more painting, some trim work, wire and fancy ribbons to hang them with. They're fun when they're finished.

and I began the stepping stone inventory collection so I'll have some stuff in the boutique for sale. This is my first tile piece in ages and ages. It most likely will be a gift for someone. So much for inventory! It felt AWESOME to mosaic again. I was walking on clouds all week. :-) (This pattern came from Chrissie Grace's book "tiLes gone Wild". She has 3 amazing books and a wonderful blog if you're interested in learning mosaic/mixed media art. She has been a HUGE inspiration to me. Check her out on the button on the left ...) When I use someone's pattern or copy an idea, I don't sell the work. It's an infringement on that someone's creative license and artistic soul. Most of the time my finished work doesn't look anything like anyone else's ... but you never know! It just isn't right.
Here's the first round ... along with a gorgeous cup of coffee! H.E.A.V.E.N.

Next phase, the border and the pointy bits ..

Then the fun parts (adding the color) and the outside border

and viola' - the tiling is complete. Can't grout for 48 hours ... and since it's going to be rainy and cold, I can't really grout until Wednesday. Hopefully I'll have another piece ready by then as well. It's amazing how quickly the pieces go when you don't have to leave the house 8 hours a day for work ... and with my new found enthusiasm, it's a breeze. Hope that darn creative block doesn't visit any time soon! Always a possibility.

This is the view from the chair where I work. Nothing better! There is no real way to capture the perfect essence of all the shadows and depth of the mountain here (Beech Mountain, the back side), but it is breath taking.
On a COMPLETELY different subject, my business partner and friend, Shannon, is sanding the wood work in the living room so we can get it all uniform and lovely. It is coming along beautifully and WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE!

The side wood has been sanded and the top, of course, has not ... just for your reference point.

Up close ... can you believe how BEAUTIFULLY aged the wood is? There are so many depths of character in this wood. It is exquisite now, with Shannon's hand ... but I can barely contain my excitement about getting it all finished so we can just admire it all the time!

The furniture in the front room has all been covered with sheets due to the horrific sanding mess that is going on. The shellac and finish that is currently on the door frames and mouldings have probably been on for 50 years, more or less. It STINKS terribly and is grossly sticky and well, just yucky. Hence, the sheets. Our fur ball boys are quite sure we have just done that to create them many more sleeping options. So here they are, helping with the whole process. Cats are very funny and entertaining. And they sleep a lot.
On random information: The Avery High School girls soccer team won their semi-final game tonight. It was a great game. I find it extremely funny that Paul and I go to high school soccer games to support the kids. I thought after my own children were out of sports I'd never do that again. We look forward to these games and supporting the kids. Who knew!
It's almost time to plant the majority of the garden. We are getting itchy to get the stuff in the ground. Timing is everything. We're already picking strawberries!!!!! SO FUN!
Christian's sunflowers are growing like gang busters. The potatoes are coming in beautifully. We have blueberries and blackberries coming in. Hopefully we'll be able to make some jams this year. Hopefully the rain won't turn everything into mush this year! PLEASE, Mother Nature!
My niece and nephew are driving from Nashville to Los Angeles. Hollie, my niece, is beginning her new career as fashion model next Tuesday. Her brother, Derek drove with her to make sure she arrived safe and sound (and so they could visit Vegas, of course). Good luck to you both. Derek has enrolled in a video game design school in Orlando and will be moving in July. My sister will have her two children on opposite coasts. Good luck with that, Cyndie! Yikes!
All seems well with our children. We just keep saying grace over that!
My friend Janine and I went to visit a Pottery Gallery that is here locally. The potters are Dan and Patti Connor Greene. Lovely, talented people with a great studio and 3 parrots! If you get time and are local or visit here a lot, GO SEE THEIR SHOW ROOM! The work is magnificent.
Visit their website here ...
Ok, time to sign off.
Cheers to all,
Paul & Cheri


  1. The previous post was just a test run.
    Well you sure have a lot going on at the moment, between your projects and having jobs on the house, then the garden, I am dizzy just reading all this stuff. So you are in the crafts business, hope it all goes well for you and you sell plenty of your crafts. How is the workshop coming along?.
