We are changing the utility and appearance of the front yard(s). This side is the "industrial" side ... with the building and parking ... ok, well, it soon will be (that's the plan)
we have a FABULOUS strawberry patch this year - thanks to the snow!
We've got gallons of strawberries! And Paul has had his share of strawberry pudding!
Apparently YESTERDAY was Wednesday, which was mid week. Thursday posting will have to do! People here in the mountains are on their own time zone ... guess I've finally joined the ranks. Great! (not so much) For example, Shane the plumber was supposed to be here at 10AM. He'd showed about 3:30 or 4 PM ... I'd already gone to my 2pm appt., but Paul was at home for him, I think. Turns out we need some plumbing work done. Well, we knew that when the dish washing soap bubbles began bubbling up out of the slab in the garage. Mountain people have a code which they live by. They take care of "their own". There are two time tables and there are two price lists. One for locals and one for others. If you were born here, you get the local price and first calls. No matter how much you exert yourself in the county, or try to help others the way you normally would for another human being, you cannot be a local if you were not born here (or perhaps at least had a parent born here). This is the way it is. Awesome. The saving grace is that we have good luck with finding good people to fix our old house and help us with improvements.
Our favorite local restaurant (Fabio's) begins serving wine tomorrow night. The little town of Newland finally passed wine & beer to be legally served in the town. It means we no longer have to drive all the way to one end of the county or the other to buy wine (which makes me happier). This has caused a HUGE uproar and debate amongst the non drinkers and the drinkers. This part of the country is filled with very religious congregations who do not believe in and are ADAMANTLY against all alcoholic drink and the consumption of it. Most of the summer income around here comes from the Floridians who own 2nd houses and come up here to wine and dine for the summer. Fabio has always let everyone just brown bag their own wine to go with his exquisite cuisine. But now he has a license to serve and there can be no more brown bagging because the law does not allow both. SO, I am going to begin helping him with wine service tomorrow!! I think it'll be great fun! Can't wait to meet new people and find new friends! Fabio is also opening a second location right next door to the first one for a casual meet and eat type bistro. And PAUL is going to be the front person there. SO, we will be embarking on a brand new adventure for the summer (or parts of it or something!). Will keep you posted!
Paul has gone to play a round of golf and I should be grouting some mosaic work. But I am tired and declaring working hours over. This has been inspired by my two lazy cats who are curled up on the sofa sound asleep. Now I hope to enjoy a glass of red wine and some NCIS rerun time. Happy mid week (plus one) to all!
Paul & Cheri
Nice work in the garden Paul and Cheri. Glad to hear they finally passed the alcohol consumption there in Newland. Should be a boost to all who participate. Good luck on the wine service. I am sure you will do well! Mr. Mondavi would be proud!