Poor Avant Garden ... a little pitiful, but coming to life nevertheless!
These little guys are so cute ... I am thoroughly entertained by them!
This is what they do when I go in their field ... they take off in the other direction! And they are definitely trumpeting their disapproval too! I'm going to have to get some goat treats or something!
Caught this one little guy "springing" ... which they all do. They look like rabbits some times. And they definitely get a kick out of jumping on top of each other. They are learning to play follow the leader up and down the planks that Mr. Boone has in their field. It is such a delightful way to spend time! I have a lead on someone who needs help on her goat farm. : ) She will be getting my phone call in the morning! I can't wait to talk to her! I might be a goat milker by the end of tomorrow! Whoo hoo! How fun!
As you can see, life is beautiful up here right now. We were close to 80 degrees today. I was working in the garden ... raking, getting the ground ready for Charles who came and plowed the garden this evening. It's so wet and muddy, it'll have to dry out for a couple of days before we can do anything else with it. We might be able to till it on Saturday afternoon ... guess the taters won't get planted on Good Friday. But that's OK according to Charles. While I was working in the garden today, I broke a sweat! First time in over 6 weeks I've been warm enough to sweat. It was amazing! My checks are red, the back of my neck and my forearms are red too because I had on a short sleeved T-Shirt! Oh my gosh! a real T-shirt! I had exposed skin and I wasn't freezing. No turtle neck or sweater ... only one pair of socks and some work boots, not fur lined snow boots. Thank goodness, I think I'm going to make it through this crazy seasonal stuff after all. Thank you for warming us up, Mother Nature!
Happy belated mid-week to all!
Paul & Cheri
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