Monday, January 10, 2011

Perspective ...

I know January is going to be snowy and cold (11 inches worth Sunday high about 10 degrees).

I know there is a perfect hill to sled/snow board on in our backyard when it snows like this.

I know the views are breath-taking and the peace it generates is magnificent and oh, SO good for the soul.

I know there will be more snow to come THIS WEEK! (oh boy) copious amounts ... another foot or so.

And I know the snow will eventually topple over this poor little bird bath.
But I always keep hoping spring will be here next week.  We were promised by the woolly worms AND the Almanac that our winter would be mild.  They said early winter (Nov/Dec) would be harsh and late winter (Mar/Apr) would be harsh, but the majority of the winter was supposed to be mild. Well, that prediction turns out to be incorrect! I, for one, am tired of being cold, of spending unbelievable amounts of money for propane and electricity, and poor Paul's lower back from gathering wood is mostly just broken!    B U T, let me be perfectly clear on this point, we are GRATEFUL to the brim of our gratitude vessel to have the option to buy propane and electricity, to have wood to gather and to have a stove to fire the wood up in!  We are deliriously content with our home, our lives and our love.  Sometimes it is just a good idea to gather your perspective and realign things.  There!
*Yesterday was our niece, Sara's birthday.  Happy Birthday Sara!!!!
*I've been given a challenge to open my Etsy shop by Friday.  I suppose you won't hear from me until Friday (or Saturday) as I am going to be working on the art biz set-up.  However, I would appreciate any good thoughts you might have just sitting around!  I'm a bit of a nervous Nelly trying to get my head wrapped around all of this and get it done, be in the moment, and carry on with all those pieces of art I have in my head!  It's all so very exciting, invigorating and scary as any unknown territory is!  Big BREATH!
*Paul has been working on his pottery elephant!  He is quite good (don't tell him I said that) and I'm always very impressed with his art work.  Smarty pants! (I'll post a photo when it gets finished)
Until we meet again . . .
Stay warm, dry and keep your perspective in check!
Many blessings to you all,
P and C

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