Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well here we are at Holiday Season once again. It is hard to fathom another year has flown by. But it has, and we have been fortunate enough to collect multitudes of blessings along with that time. I hope every one of you can say and feel the same way.

My daughter, Jennifer and her family will be joining us up here in FROZEN CITY for our Thanksgiving feast. We also have a few "strays" that will popping in and out, as always. One of the things I love the very most is having people come to our house and sharing their Thanksgiving with us, as they have no other table in which to sit and share a feast. It is the best feeling in the world to give.

On the news front,

Paul is working the tree business again this season. He was VERY lucky to find a guy who truly needed a lumberjack to work, and it has turned out to be quite the job for him. He is working the "choose and cut" lot on the days that is hopping, which will most definitely include this Friday as everyone comes up to "tree country" to find their living tree. It seems to be a huge tradition with gobs of families ... and Paul has landed right in the thick of it. He is quite the novelty with his English accent, bright blue eyes, cherry cheeks and charming personality. The tips are great! However, during the week while the tree lot is slow, he's been loading trees into semi trailers for wholesale orders. NOT SO EASY. The fella he is working for owns a smaller company, independent and under 5 employees. Last year the man he worked for had whole crews of people, some gathering the trees, some bailing the trees, some staging the trees, some loading the trees, etc., etc. This year Paul is the crew ... along with 2 others and there doesn't seem to be the organization that a HUGE company can provide ... no conveyors for example. So Paul is lifting 100's of trees, bailing them, loading them, etc. He's getting his work out, and he's sleeping good! And he is getting paid. So ... that is our blessing we are so grateful for this Thanksgiving. As so many are not able to find work, with consider this a great blessing!

I have had the sweet gift of getting back in touch with someone who I've not spoken with in 20 plus years. It has been a delightful reunion, and as with all good friends, we picked up like we never left off. Jan, thanks so much for getting in touch!

The heating system has been stalled because Paul is working 10 hours a day now. But ... we might be able to check it out tomorrow (I HOPE!!!) and see if we are on the right track. It is a HUGE fire when it's going ... and warms the kitchen up without even being "plugged in" to the system properly. So, if we can get it through the ventilation system, we'll be warm people!! Please keep good thoughts that we don't just fill the house with smoke! HA!

Well, instead of continuing with idol chatter, I'll shut it down for today and get on with finishing up here at work so I might be able to leave in a few hours and begin the feast preparation! I can't wait to get home and dig in!!!

Meanwhile, we are hoping for ALL of our friends and family all the blessings you can possibly hold. Good health, good fortune, good friends, great love and a Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Paul & Cheri

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