Raining produces random thought for me. As if my thought process wasn't complicated enough to figure out ... now I have to try and follow the random path! Not to fear, however, because our weather is going to VASTLY improve, and with it will be sunshine and warmth .... WARMTH, you hear that???? Praise the sunshine and all that comes with it!
So ... here is some random catch up:
* I filed for unemployment today. Extension on the spring break. ;-)
* The goats are growing by leaps and bounds. They are the very best in entertainment!
*We've been teaching at the school and it's wonderful to be back in the swing of things.
*My son and his 2 sons are having some "boy stuff" time at a cabin in the North GA mountains for the boys' Spring Break. I'm so glad they get to spend quality time, uninterrupted, together.
*My daughter had some kidney tune up surgery on Saturday and seems to be feeling lots better and can now have the antibiotics she needs to take. Amen!
*You are supposed to plant your potatoes on Good Friday ... it will be in the high 70's and dry. We will plant our potatoes! I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself! Guess I should get the ground ready ... when the rain stops.
*Paul is refereeing soccer now and last week he was spoken to by the coach and a spectator family member in ways unbecoming to a gentleman ... or even a scoundrel. I cannot believe the things people think they are entitled to say to another human being! It's appalling. And obviously, I would have cried if they'd have spoken to me like that! AND they would have been red carded FOREVER! Goodness!! I'm still shocked ...
This weekend is already EASTER! Unbelievably fast! But we're ready any way. And, we hope you are!
Happy Monday!
Paul & Cheri