The beautiful fall colors have certainly inspired our creative juices! My drive across the mountain to work is absolute euphoria. It is so hard to concentrate on the drive because the scenery is amazing! Paul expresses the same views! We are so lucky to see this every day! The yellows are SO vivid and the crimsons are even more scrumptious. The orange hues seem to be vibrating! It is no wonder this place is notorious for "the turning of the leaves". However, the seasonal residents will all be heading back to their homes (mostly in Florida) after this weekend and the festival that marks the end of the autumn and the beginning of winter here, which is the Wooly Worm Festival. This festival is what we have prepared our work for and we will hopefully be able to make a good impression upon the participants. Perhaps we'll even make some money! :-)
So, here are some of the things we will be selling. There are not all in their finished form, and this is not the complete inventory, but it will give you an idea of what we've been doing and why I haven't been very communicative lately! Not shown (unfortunately) is work by my friend Shannon Fannon, who is a FABULOUS polymer clay artist. She makes all kinds of jewelry and sculpted face pieces. She will be joining our little band of artists, as will Charles, and perhaps Andy the blacksmith. So exciting!
Paul hasn't been very busy at work, so he's had more time than usual to prepare stuff for the show. We're hoping work picks up a bit, but I think Paul is considering working Christmas trees for a few weeks if it doesn't. It's hard work, and I truly hope something else comes up! Lowes has cut my hours down significantly because there is no business here to speak of in the winter, so it gives me more opportunity to work in art ~ not to mention prepare dance classes and perhaps fit some real estate work in here and there! We are looking forward to this adventure as well! It's both exciting and anxiety producing!
There have been numerous birthdays this month, including most everyone I know! There sure are a lot of Libras out there! Happy Birthday to ALL ya'll!!! Also Paul & I celebrated our wedding anniversary this week, and my daughter and her husband celebrated theirs! Busy time from now through the end of the year with all the celebrations! I LOVE this time of year.
Please keep Chrissie Grace (my mentor and friend) and her family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of Chrissie's dad, Bob Mervine. As any "daddy's little girl" can imagine, her heart is surely broken and she sure could use good thoughts.
Must go get the last piece grouted and get all the little loose ends (unfinished projects, that is) tied up. Do hope everyone is warm and well! Take good care! Happy Trails, Paul & Cheri
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